Jane Perlmutter, Ph.D., M.B.A., Patient Advocate
Gemini Group, Patient Advocate
Dr. Perlmutter is a long-term cancer survivor and active advocate. While her advocacy is largely rooted in her own experiences, it is also informed by her formal training in cognitive psychology and experimental methods, computer and information science and business, and her career experiences which include many years in academia, not-for-profit research and development, corporate senior management and independent consulting.
Much of her advocacy has focused on clinical trials–ensuring that the patient voice is considered in selection of research questions, design of trial protocols sensitive to patient issues, and encouraging innovation to increase the speed of developing new treatments. She is especially interested in innovative trial designs that can speed new treatments to patients who need them, and serves on the steering committees and is lead advocate on the I-SPY 2 and TAPUR trials, two groundbreaking trials. She is also an advocate member of National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) Breast Cancer Steering Committee, the Alliance Cancer Cooperative Group and the Translational Breast Cancer Consortium.
Over the past five years, Dr. Perlmutter has spent the majority of her time devoted to advocacy, expanding her involvement beyond cancer, and is increasingly focused on health research policy. She has been involved with the Clinical Trials Transformation Initiative, Friends of Cancer Research, the Reagan-Udall Foundation, the Multi-Regional Clinical Trials Center and has been on a number of NCI and National Academy of Science committees. She is currently chair of the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute’s Patient Engagement Advisory Panel, has developed and delivered a variety of advocacy training and is often asked to present the patient/advocate perspective at professional meetings.
Over the past five years, Dr. Perlmutter has spent the majority of her time devoted to advocacy, expanding her involvement beyond cancer, and is increasingly focused on health research policy. She has been involved with the Clinical Trials Transformation Initiative, Friends of Cancer Research, the Reagan-Udall Foundation, the Multi-Regional Clinical Trials Center and has been on a number of NCI and National Academy of Science committees. She is currently chair of the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute’s Patient Engagement Advisory Panel, has developed and delivered a variety of advocacy training and is often asked to present the patient/advocate perspective at professional meetings.