Hybred event May 14-15, 2025


Leaders in clinical and translational cancer research from academia, industry, government and nonprofit advocacy sectors convene each spring in Bethesda, Maryland, for the AAADV Workshop, a unique forum designed to speed cancer treatments to patients. This four-day, Virtual interactive workshop offers a mix of small group lectures, moderated discussions, plenary lectures and facilitated case studies of successful drug applications. Participants gain valuable insights on negotiating the spectrum of successful drug development and hone their strategic planning skills with a focus on target validation and pathway identification. AAADV is the only workshop held in collaboration with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration designed specifically to help participants understand and negotiate the drug development approval process so effective cancer treatments can reach patients more quickly.


The Devastating Reality of Cancer: A Call for Prevention

Every year, approximately 10 million people succumb to cancer worldwide. This staggering statistic underscores the gravity of the disease, which is a leading cause of death globally. However, what’s even more alarming is that between 30-50% of these cancer cases are preventable. This highlights the critical importance of prevention as the most cost-effective long-term strategy for controlling cancer.

The World Health Organization’s (WHO) Proposal

In light of this pressing issue, the WHO has proposed a comprehensive plan to strengthen national policies and programs aimed at raising awareness about cancer risk factors, reducing exposure to these risks, and providing individuals with the necessary information and support to adopt healthy lifestyles. By doing so, people can significantly reduce their risk of developing cancer.

Key Strategies for Cancer Prevention

To effectively implement the WHO’s proposal, governments, healthcare providers, and communities must work together to:

  1. Raise Awareness: Educate the public about the causes, symptoms, and prevention methods of cancer.
  2. Reduce Exposure: Implement policies and programs that minimize exposure to known cancer risk factors, such as tobacco smoke, UV radiation, and certain chemicals.
  3. Provide Information and Support: Offer individuals access to reliable health information, screening services, and support systems to help them make informed decisions about their health.

Scholarships covering the cost of registration, travel and accommodations for the Pre-Workshop for Patient Advocate attendees are available.

Participants Will:​

  • Examine the most urgent issues and meaningful trends in anticancer agent development and validation.
  • Learn new approaches for diagnosing, treating and preventing cancer.
  • Benefit from a mix of small group lectures, moderated discussions, facilitated case studies of successful new drug applications and plenary lectures.
  • Network with researchers, regulators, patient advocates and others working on the front lines of cancer research and treatment.
  • Have access to video recorted sessions and material. 

Special Features

Case studies of successful new drug applications feature pharmaceutical drug development teams and U.S. Food and Drug Administration officers involved in the drug approval process. Four drugs will be presented twice over the course of the Workshop.

The AAADV Workshop In-Depth Discussion Groups offer moderated sessions on numerous topics, each presented by a panel including researchers from academia, industry and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, as well as patient advocates, giving attendees a rare opportunity to interact with and question numerous experts in a given field of study. Attendees will choose one of five topics, presented concurrently, to attend each day.

The Core Curriculum is designed for early-career drug development investigators and covers all aspects of clinical studies: pre-clinical and clinical science, statistical structure of trials, ethical requirements and regulatory considerations. It is taught by U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) medical officers and senior scientists.

Executive Committee

H. Kim Lyerly, MD

Duke University

Richard Schilsky, MD

Professor emeritus
University of Chicago

Renzo Canetta, MD

Independent Consultant.

Thomas Fleming, PhD​

Thomas Fleming, PhD

Professor, Department of Biostatistics University of Washington School of Medicine

2023 Sponsors