Pat Haugen
Pat Haugen is a 24-year survivor of inflammatory breast cancer. She has experience as a DOD BCRP consumer peer reviewer, Integration Panel member, and Chair, as well as a consumer reviewer for the California BCRP and for the American Cancer Society. She serves on a community IRB and served as a member of the NCI Adult Central IRB – Early Phase and Late Phase Boards, and has served on National Quality Forum Steering Committees. She participated in the National Breast Cancer Coalition (NBCC) Quality Care – Measuring What Matters Project and also served as the consumer representative to the Advisory Board of the Consumer Operated and Oriented Plan (CO-OP) Program, part of the Affordable Care Act. Pat serves as an NBCC research advocate including on the Artemis Project. She represented the breast cancer advocacy community at the Accelerating Anticancer Agent Development and Validation Workshop, serving on the Program Committee for four years. She also has experience as a public policy and Mayo Breast Cancer and Ovarian Cancer SPORE advocate and serves as a Patient Investigator on a PCORI grant to improve hypertension control and as an advocate on several other breast cancer research projects. Pat spent over 30 years in the information technology industry and has served as a board member in higher education and long-term care. Pat has a degree in mathematics and a certificate in public health and has completed NBCC Project LEAD courses in Breast Cancer Science, Quality Care, and Clinical Trials.