Annie Ellis
Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance
Annie Ellis was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2004 and is currently enjoying an unexpected 10-year remission after two recurrences, five lines of treatment, three debulking surgeries (the last a partial liver resection) and a phase I remission vaccine clinical trial. In 2010, was she diagnosed with stage 1 IDC breast cancer and was treated off-protocol. No genetic mutations have been identified through BRCA and BROCA panel testing.
Annie was drawn to research advocacy while learning more about her own treatment options and currently serves as a patient advocate with the National Cancer Institute Gynecologic Cancer Steering Committee, Ovarian Cancer Research Fund Alliance’s Scientific Advisory Committee, CDMRP Ovarian Cancer Research rPogram Programmatic Panel, Roswell Park Cancer Center-University of Pittsburgh Cancer Center’s Ovarian Cancer SPORE, and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Patient Representative. She has provided the patient perspective at various meetings and events, including a Congressional Briefing on Ovarian Cancer by the Society for Women’s Health Research, the 2015 Ovarian Cancer Endpoints Workshop at the FDA, and the 2008 Society of Gynecologic Oncology Annual Meeting as part of SHARE’s Survivor Presentation. She has participated in the American Association for Cancer Research Scientist↔Survivor Program and the Biennial Cancer Survivorship Research Conference Survivor-Researcher Mentor Program. She provides peer support through SHARE’s Ovarian Helpline and New York Presbyterian-Columbia’s Woman to Woman Program with a focus on treatment decision-making in the recurrent setting and clinical trial participation.