Gianna (Gigi) McMillan
Gianna “Gigi” McMillan, DBe, is the Program Administrator for the Bioethics Institute at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, where she develops academic curriculum and teaches Research Ethics for the graduate program. She received her Master’s Degree from LMU and her Doctorate from Loyola Chicago. Dr. McMillan has been an adviser to the Children’s Brain Tumor Foundation, the National Brain Tumor Society, and the Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium. She has extensive experience as a Subject/Patient Advocate on local and national IRBs, was a member of the Subpart A Subcommittee for the Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Human Research Protection, and is a patient representative on the FDA’s Pediatric Oncology Drug Advisory Committee. Dr. McMillan has served on the board of the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities, and is currently a Board Member for PRIM&R (Pubic Responsibility in Medicine & research.) She is the Director of Community Engagement for the academic journal, Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics. Her primary interests are consent issues in clinical research and the use of narrative as an educational tool in bioethics.