Ishwaria Subbiah, MD

Ishwaria Subbiah, MD

Palliative Care Physician and
Medical Oncologist
MD Anderson Cancer Center

Dr. Subbiah is a Palliative Care physician and medical oncologist at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. She is uniquely qualified for this role, having completed clinical fellowships at MD Anderson in developmental therapeutics in the Department of Investigational Cancer Therapeutics (A Phase I Program), then in Medical Oncology, and most recently in Palliative Medicine. With this robust foundation in phase I and II clinical trial design, novel therapeutics, medical oncology practice, and symptom management, Dr. Subbiah cultivates a clinical practice and research focus on Supportive Care driven by patient reported outcomes (PROs) with particular emphasis on the older adults. Dr. Subbiah has been the principal investigator on several studies for patients with advanced cancers on phase I clinical trials and has received several peer-reviewed grants including the American Cancer Society’s Clinical Scientist Development Grant. Dr. Subbiah chairs the Patient Survey Governance Committee at MD Anderson overseeing the institution-wide implementation of PROs into clinical practice through the electronic medical record. She also serves on the national Technical Expert Panel developing oncology PRO measures for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and on the Older Adult Oncology guidelines committee of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN).