Jun Ren, M.D., Ph.D.
Capital Medical University Cancer Center, Beijing, China/Duke University Medical Center
Dr. Ren is a professor of medical oncology and is a worldwide recognized onco-immunology researcher and clinical scientist. He has led adoptive T cell immunotherapy for more than 20 years in China and served as the Special External Panelist for the Center for Drug Evaluation for the Chinese Food and Drug Administration. He has published 80 SCI papers and 200 papers in Chinese core journals.
Since 2008, Dr. Ren has been employed as faculty of Duke University Medical Center to conduct cancer immune innovational research projects in a long-term sustainable Duke-Beijing Cancer Collaborative commitment. He served as head of medicine at the Peking University Cancer Center from 2003 to 2012. He was appointed dean for the School of Oncology at Capital Medical University and has been director of the Beijing Shijitan Hospital Cancer Center since 2013. He has directed the Beijing Key Lab for Therapeutic Cancer Vaccines focused on Adenovirus based cancer vaccine. Currently his research interests cover new biomarkers in cancer immunotherapy, the immune repertoire acquired induction in cancer immunotherapy, and development of peptides pools in cancer vaccines. A total of 77 postgraduates have been trained under Dr. Ren’s tutorship in the last 18 years.
Dr. Ren trained as a medical oncologist for immunological therapy, bone marrow transplantation and medical oncology at the Massachusetts General Hospital of Harvard Medical School. He has worked with Dr. Kim Lyerly to set up the US-China Cancer Research Programs which has served an essential role in coordinating activities for biomarkers-based clinical research between Duke University and Peking University with incorporation of appropriate tissue acquisition, tissue processing, genomic and post genomic analysis, data collection and data management, along with appropriate clinical care and generation of clinical end points to complete clinical trials in Beijing.
Dr. Ren is a faculty member of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Centennial Workshop in Singapore and was a faculty member of the Asia Pacific Clinical Oncology Research Development in Australia (ACORD) 2008. His team was awarded the American Society of Clinical Oncology Merit Award in 2005 and the AACR 2019 Global-Scholar-in- raining Awards.