Stijn Koolen
Stijn Koolen studied pharmaceutical sciences at the Utrecht University and obtained his PharmD degree in 2006. In that year he started with a PhD training at the Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI) Amsterdam. In 2011 he defended his thesis “Intravenous to oral switch in anticancer chemotherapy – focus on taxanes and gemcitabine”. Subsequently he followed a training to become a hospital pharmacist and a clinical pharmacologist.
Since 2015, Stijn works at the Erasmus MC Rotterdam in the Netherlands. As a pharmacist he is responsible for the production of radiopharmaceuitcals. Furthermore he is an assistant professor in translational pharmacology of the department of Medical Oncology. His main research is focused on personalized dosing of systemic anti-cancer agents like chemotherapy, tamoxifen, tyrosine kinase inhibitors, monoclonal antibodies, and phase I drugs. He supervises several PhD students, and wrote over 70 peer reviewed papers.