Andrew J Martin
Associate Professor, University of Sydney, Principal Research Fellow in Biostatistics at the NHMRC Clinical Trials Center
Associate Professor Andrew Martin is Principal Research Fellow in Biostatistics at the NHMRC Clinical Trials Center. He has over 20 years’ experience in clinical trials research, gained from senior roles within research-based pharmaceutical organisations and The University of Sydney.Andrew’s specific interest is in the application of optimal study designs and analysis methods to the development and evaluation of health interventions across all phases of development. This includes the incorporation of quality of life and economic evaluations within clinical trials, and the use of decision analytic techniques to model longer term benefits and costs of interventions.
Andrew provides statistical leadership to clinical trial networks in a variety of disease areas to design, undertake, analyse and report on clinical trials. He is also responsible for content development, co-ordination and teaching of post-graduate units in decision analysis and controlled clinical trials at the University of Sydney, as well as courses and workshops in clinical trial concept development and statistical methods.