Julia Maues
Patient Centered Dosing Initiative
Diagnosed with breast cancer while pregnant in 2013, Julia delivered a healthy baby boy and found out shortly thereafter that the cancer had already spread to her bones, liver, and brain. After many treatment setbacks, her cancer began to respond to treatment, and she turned this tragic reality into a drive to improve the lives of people living with this disease. Julia’s main focus is working with researchers, clinicians, and other stakeholders to ensure research is patient-centered, innovative, accessible and inclusive. She is a co-founder of GRASP – Guiding Researchers and Advocates to Scientific Partnerships -, an organization that connects and fosters collaborations between researchers and patient advocates. Julia is also a founding member of the Patient-Centered Dosing Initiative, a movement led by patient advocates and medical oncologists with the mission of getting patients with MBC and their physicians to identify the optimal dosage of treatment, based upon each patient’s unique physical, circumstantial, and psychological factors. Julia is a member of Living Beyond Breast Cancer’s (LBBC) Hear My Voice, the Metastatic Breast Cancer Alliance, a Komen Advocate In Science, an Alamo Foundation SABCS scholar, a DoD Congressionally Directed Breast Cancer Research Program reviewer, an ASCO guidelines panelist, and a founding member of the #InclusionPledge to end disparities in breast cancer for Black women.