Vassilis Golfinopoulos
EORTC Headquarter Director
Dr Vassilis Golfinopoulos serves as the EORTC Headquarters Director, overseeing the daily operation of the clinical research infrastructure of EORTC. His tasks include the development and implementation of the EORTC’s scientific strategy and the support of organisational initiatives. Vassilis coordinates the scientific, operational, and project management activities of EORTC Headquarters. Dr Golfinopoulos joined EORTC in 2012 as the Medical Vice Director, he went on to become the Medical Director responsible for the departments in the medical branch of the organisation. Before joining the EORTC, Dr Golfinopoulos was responsible for part of the inpatient and outpatient clinics at the Bank of Cyprus Oncology Centre. Prior to that, he gained clinical experience with all solid tumour types and research experience in multicentre phase I, II, and III clinical studies at the Ioannina University Hospital. Vassilis earned his medical degree from the University of Patra Medical School, his Ph.D. from the University of Ioannina, and completed his residency in medical oncology at the Theagenion Cancer Institute and the University Hospital of Ioannina. As an ESMO translational research fellow at the Jules-Bordet Institute, he participated in a variety of projects conducted by the Functional Genomics and Translational Research Unit and the Department of Medical Oncology.