Robert Califf
Robert Califf

9:00 AM (EST)

Keynote Speaker

Robert Califf, Former Commissioner, US Food and Drug Administration

Renzo Canetta, MD
Gwen Nichols
Richard L. Schilsky

10:00 AM (EST)

What did we learn from trials of different agents from different companies: what's next?

  • Introduction

    Moderator: Renzo Canetta, former BMS

  • Beat AML and PedAL
    10:05-10:25 AM

    Speaker: Gwen Nichols, LLS
    Setting: Hematologic malignancies in adults and children
    Sponsor: The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS)

  • Lung-MAP
    10:25-10:45 AM

    Speaker: Roy Herbst, Yale
    Setting: Non-small cell lung cancer
    Sponsor: The Foundation of NIH (FNIH) and Friends of Cancer Research

    10:45-11:05 AM

    Speaker: TBD
    Setting: Solid tumors and lymphomas
    Sponsor: National Cancer Institute (NCI)

    11:05-11:25 AM

    Speaker: Rich Schilsky, University of Chicago
    Setting: Solid tumors, myeloma, B-cell lymphomas
    Sponsor: American Society of Cancer Research (ASCO)

  • Critical Panel Review and Discussion

    Title: From signal identification to future standard of care combinations: a suitable regulatory pathway?
    Moderator: Eric Rubin, former Merck

12:00 –1:00 PM (EST)

Lunch Break

  • Global Drug Development AAADV- CDDF
    1:00PM - 1:05PM

    Moderators: Jaap Verweij, CDDF, Jennifer Dent- BIO Ventures for Global Health Multi-national clinical research in cancer
    Speaker: Denis Lacombe, EORTC

  • Designing clinical trials that with representative populations
    1:30 PM

    Fergus Sweeney, former EMA

  • Regional variation in standard of care; Acceptable endpoints, etc.
    2:00 PM

    Filip Josephson, EMA (invited)

  • Discussion- Regulatory Perspective
    2:30 PM
  • Nigeria’s vision of becoming a clinical trial hub and innovation ecosystem
    3:00 PM

    Lola Adeyemi, Special Advisor to the Minister of Education, Nigeria on Research (invited)

  • Expanding clinical trials and access in Africa
    3:30 PM

    Osa Eisele, Executive Director, Head of Representation in Clinical Research (RISE), Amgen (invited)

Panel Discussion- Industry Perspective on Clinical Trials in Sub-Saharan Africa 4:00 PM

Moderators: Jennifer Dent and Jaap Verweij

Invited Speakers:

Hal Barron – ex Genentech

Osa Eisele – Amgen

LaShell Robinson – Takeda

Craig Tendler – Prior J&J

Bob Li – AstraZeneca

4:10 PM (EST)


Richard L. Schilsky

9:00 AM (EST)

Developing and Implementing Complex Biomarkers to Guide Cancer Treatment

Moderator:  Richard Schilsky



  • Role of AI in Cancer Drug and Biomarker Development
    9:05 AM

    Olivier Elemento, Weill Cornell

  • Network analysis to identify novel biomarkers/targets
    9:30 AM

    Andrea Califano, Columbia University

  • Clinical application of transcriptomics in precision oncology
    9:50 AM

    Funda Meric-Bernstam, MD Anderson

  • Digital pathology to identify actionable molecular targets
    9:50 AM 10:10 AM

    Eric Walk, Path.AI

  • AI-informed digital pathology to predict homologous recombination deficiency
    10:10 AM 10:20 AM

    Ludmil Alexandrov, UCSD

  • Discussion- Suggested Regulatory Perspective
    11:30 AM

    Soma Ghosh, CDRH, U.S. FDA

12:00 –12:30 PM (EST)

Lunch Break

Thomas Fleming, PhD​
Thomas Fleming, PhD​

Choosing Proper Primary Endpoints in Registrational Oncology Trials, with Focus on the Indolent Cancer Setting

Moderator: Tom Fleming

  • Reliable assessment of efficacy and safety in oncology trials, with focus on indolent cancers
    1:05 PM

    Thomas Fleming, Univ of Washington

  • The Importance of evaluating effects on how patients feel and function: A Patient Perspective
    1:30 PM

    Loriana Hernandez

  • The development and proper qualification of Patient Reported Outcome
    2:00 PM

    John Powers, George Washington University School of Medicine

  • Discussion- Regulatory Perspective Suggested
    2:30 PM

    Paul Kleutz

3:00 PM (EST)
